What I Do

I take pride in providing top-notch legal advice in various areas of the law. I make every effort to keep my clients informed of all developments in their case. Whether your case is a simple, one-time hearing or a lengthy and contentious legal matter, I provide quality and passionate legal advice during every step of the process.

Property Division

When spouses separate, the process of dividing their assets is often complex and frustrating. Regardless of your financial situation, our lawyers have the experience and understanding to advise you on what you’re entitled to.

Child Custody and Access

Child Custody and Access involves a parents ability to spend time with their children and control the decisions made regarding their child’s care. Whether it’s through negotiation or involving the courts, we can help you to find a solution that’s in the best interests of your children.

Child Support

When a child lives primarily with one parent, the other parent is responsible for making payments to assist in the child’s care. I can help make sure your children get the financial support they are entitled to.

Spousal Support

Spousal Support is intended to assist spouses in maintaining their lifestyles and address any hardships that may have been endured during the relationship.  I can assess your entitlement to Spousal Support and work hard to ensure you get what you deserve.

Parenting Agreements

Parenting Agreements are used by parents who, to limit disputes and their impact on children, wish to make decisions regarding how their children will be cared for.

Cohabitation Agreements

Cohabitation Agreements are used by people who live together and want to make plans regarding their financial relationship. I can prepare a cohabitation agreement that can minimize the difficulties and stress you’ll face in the event of separation.

Marriage Contracts

Often referred to as a “Prenuptial Agreement” or “PreNup,” Marriage Contracts are an effective way for a couple to make decisions regarding a number of issues in the event they eventually separate. A carefully drafted Marriage Contract can save a lot of the time, stress, and cost, associated with a divorce.

Independent Legal Advice

If your spouse or partner has had a cohabitation agreement or marriage contract prepared by another lawyer it’s important that you seek independent advice before signing it. I can help you fully understand your rights and what it is that you’re agreeing to.

Services for Lawyers

Whether it’s handling appearances, providing research, or assisting with sensitive child custody negotiations. If you’re a lawyer who needs assistance with a family law or criminal defense file, I can help.

Criminal Misdemeanors:

Whether you’ve been charged with a crime for the first time or are a repeat offender, I can review your case and the merits of your defense. Many individuals charged with a misdemeanor offense often believe there is no benefit to hiring an attorney. This is simply not true. A skilled attorney can ensure that your rights are protected and negotiate the best possible plea agreement that ensures the matter is put firmly in your past.

Criminal Felony:


Involuntary Commitment:

Governed by Chapter 51 of the Wisconsin State Codes, a Chapter 51 case allows the state of Wisconsin to commit and individual who the state feels is a danger to themselves or others. I have handled many Chapter 51 cases for clients and zealously fought for their rights to ensure that their mental health needs are properly met and their rights are protected.


Whether a client is battling an unjust speeding ticket or fighting a charge as a repeat offender for Operating While Intoxicated, I analyze every facet of their traffic violation to ensure their constitutional rights are protected and fight for the best possible legal outcome.